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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi friends! Just wanted to start this off with a little update:

My squad and I just spent five weeks in Gainesville, Georgia at the Adventures in Missions base learning TONS about the Lord, His character, and who He calls us to be! Now, we’re in New Orleans, Louisiana for two weeks serving with Samaritan’s Purse helping out with hurricane relief before heading off to Costa Rica in November. 

I’ve officially been on the race for six weeks and let me tell you, I’ve grown A LOT. Coming into training camp in September, I was terrified, terrified of having to start over in a brand new community, terrified of leaving the place I’ve lived for my whole life, and questioning the Lord’s purpose for calling me to something so big and scary. Within the first week, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I had no trust in Him. Over the summer I grew to be so dependent on the people around me, never stepping out of my comfort zone, and never putting myself in uncomfortable places to wholeheartedly depend on the Lord. I was disappointed in myself, my faith wasn’t as strong as I had thought and I hadn’t been pursuing an intimate relationship with the Father. 

Coming on the race was the most I’ve ever had to surrender for the sake of my faith. Going from a cozy bed and bedroom to a thin sleeping pad and tent in the woods, from my many items of clothing to the six shirts I was able to pack, and from being fully known by the people surrounding me to living with forty strangers. The Lord put me in an uncomfortable place so that He could be my comfort.

After getting settled into tent life and becoming comfortable with my squad, I had been asking God to make me uncomfortable again in order to foster more growth and intimacy with Him. My prayers were answered and He continued to mature me in my faith and our relationship. 

The Lord highlighted Isaiah 40:28-31 to me-

“Do you not know?

    Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

    the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

    and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary

    and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,

    and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the Lord

    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

    they will run and not grow weary,

    they will walk and not faint.”


I would love to encourage whoever is reading this to stay weak in order to give the Lord room to be our strength. He is the ultimate comforter, Prince of Peace, and Father. You are a son or daughter of the King, the Creator of the universe. He has you in His hands and desires you to abide in Him! 

As my squad spends another week in New Orleans helping those affected by the hurricane, we would love prayers for supernatural energy during long days of manual labor and for the homeowners we connect with to have open hearts to the Gospel. Thank you to all who have been following along and have been praying as my squad and I started this new season! 


Lots of love, 



5 responses to “dependency”

  1. Incredible blog Avery! I am also being shown about how weakness is something I should be seeking in order to have dependence on the Lord!

  2. I”m so thankful for you and your strong faith! I look forward to seeing God work through you, thank you for being his hands and feet. I will continue to pray for you!

  3. I’m so proud of you! You’re going to make a big difference in so many lives. Stay strong!